Our Story

WECLEARN is the online learning platform of Worldwide E-Learning Campus (WEC), a technological education institution in Rwanda.

WECLEARN offers a variety of Program in IT Bootcamp, Cloud Computing, business management and other related programs, The courses are designed to be accessible to learners of all levels, from beginners to experienced professionals, We always focus on customer value team empowerment, quality and service delivery. In our usual approach "3s: Small, Smart and Strong."

Our Vison

To be the best High Tech Professional Institute for Quality Education.

Our Mission

Transform a Theoretical based Education into a prctical and professional Education.


Impact the society through Innovation, Mutual Respect, Passion, Courage, Commitment to Excellence and Teamwork.

Get to Know more about us and our Journey

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Why Leaning with WEC Learn

Getting Personalized Training.

Getting Personalized Training.

Getting Personalized Training.

Getting Personalized Training.

Getting Personalized Training.

Getting Personalized Training.